Meet The New Professor of Nutrition
22nd December 2018 is indeed a special day, not only is a national Mother's day for all Indonesian mothers, but also is the day whereas Saptawati Bardosono, one of our member in Indonesian Nutrition Association, to be entitled as Professor in the field of Nutrition. What an achievement and we couldn't be more proud to our colleges, Prof. Dr. dr. Saptawati Bardosono, MSc.
Together with Prof. dr. Tjahjono Darminto Gondhowiardjo, SpM(K) PhD, which also her alumni friend back when they enrolled as medical student in University of Indonesia, the ceremony has held at IMERI Building, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.

The inauguration led by Rector of University of Indonesia and was intended by Ministry of Health, Former Vice President of Indonesia to name a few. This historic event also supported by every colleges, friends and families from both Professors to show their support.
Following are the summary of Prof Tati's speech during the inauguration. Congrats!
So far, Nutrition Science has been studied by various groups, both academics or scientists and lay people or practitioners. Even for academics, nutrition is a specialization for various study programs in the Faculty of Medicine as well as in non-Medical Faculties. In FKUI, the Nutrition Science Study Program includes doctoral, master, specialist I and Medical S1 students, so that in this inaugural speech I focus more on Medical Nutrition. At present there has been disruption or shock to health services, including nutritional support services, namely with the emergence of several rapid advances in technology, which have great potential for health services. From the aspect of Medical Nutrition, of course we must begin to anticipate this era of disruption with a specific nutritional support approach to complement conventional nutritional support, including in handling child stunting problems and their impact on cardiometabolic risk.
It becomes our concern that handling this stunting problem still hasn't reaped the expected results. Since my doctoral dissertation in 2003 was based on observations from 1998 to the dissertation of my guidance doctoral candidate in the Nutrition Sciences study program in 2018, the stunting problem is still in the process of finding predisposed factors so that it has not yet proceeded to the specific nutritional support intervention process. When handled with a conventional nutritional support approach without involving various aspects of metabolic disorders that have occurred since the conception period, the stunting problem will be a story with the title never ending story. While the impact is very complex on disorders of children's mental or cognitive development, metabolic disorders and long-term health which will reduce the quality of the next generation, so it is often proposed to treat family stunting problems rather than child stunting problems. In the next two years we will reach 2020 which will be the turning point for a new era of Medical Nutrition, both for customers / patients / communities, the government and for scientists and academics, so that every citizen / individual can live healthier lives, more old and more productive. In this regard, it is time for us to go into an era with a personalized / specific medical nutrition support strategy, so that a new approach to medical nutrition support will be more helpful in dealing with various diseases, such as obesity and cancer and various causes of inflammation and aging.