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Nutrition Workshop

As part of our goal on delivering basic nutrition education to Health Care Provider, Indonesian Nutrition Association over the years has partnering with other institution, industries in conduction a one day workshop. These are some of our activities.


a. Nutrition Quotient


This workshop covers basic knowledge and understanding about macro and micronutrients in conventional and functional foods, how is their metabolism in the body and indications for improving health and wellness, while practicing balanced diet over the life cycle. It will be divided into three parts, as follows:


Topic-1: Basic Nutrition (metabolism of macro and micronutrients)

Topic-2: Foods (conventional and functional foods)

Topic-3: Balanced Diets and Nutrients Needs for wellness

Topic-4:  Dietary nutrisurvey


b. Nutri Start


This workshops introduce an electronic application called "Nutri Start" for Android users, being developed as tool to support an Early Life Nutrition Concept for Health Care Providers (HCP) by observing and determine a nutrition status for Pregnant Mothers since the 1st trimester and following the growth from new born up to 2 years old. 


The workshop will be divided into three parts, as follows:


Topic -1 : ELN Concept

Topic - 2: Determine nutrition status for pregnant mother

Topic- 3: Balance Nutrition for pregnant mothet

Tutorial on using Nutristart application.


c. Nutri Indonesia Pre-Symposium Workshop


As part of our annual Nutri Symposium, we conducted 5 workshop base on demand. These five workshops are :


1. Basic Enteral - Parenteral Nutrition Workshop

Learn more about the provision of nutrients via a tube placed into the stomach or small intestine, or intravenously for patients who are unable to eat adequately when provided a normal diet. These two types of nutrition support are called enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition.

Enteral and parenteral nutrition are usually administered to patients for short periods of time in the hospital, but are occasionally needed for extended periods of time for patients at home or in long-term care facilities.


2. Critical Care Nutrition Workshop

This workshop provides the most up-to-date critical care nutrition practice recommendations; latest nutrition assessment tools; and the knowledge and resources you need to take your critical care nutrition practice to the next level. Nutrition is an integral part of healing and maintenance of health. Poor nutritional status in pre, peri and post-operative critical care patients leads to less than optimal outcomes. Nutrition intervention is necessary for treatment of critical care patients


3. Nutrition in Pediatric Critical Care Workshop

The American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) and the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) today released Guidelines for the Provision and Assessment of Nutrition Support Therapy in the Pediatric Critically Ill Patient: Society of Critical Care Medicine and American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition . These guidelines were based upon an exhaustive literature review on the importance of nutritional support therapy in cases involving critically ill patients ages one month to 17 years of age.

This workshop will focus on :

a. Learn the significant gap in proper nutritional interventions, particularly among malnourished pediatric patients

b. The timing and method of nutrient delivery

c. Ongoing monitoring is critical to avoid unintended caloric under- or overfeeding

and many more. Design for General Practitioner and Specialist in Nutrition. Limited for 30 seats.


4. Principal Nutrition Status Assessment Workshop

Nutritional assessment is used to determine whether a person or group of people is well nourished or malnourished (over-nourished or under-nourished). It involves the interpretation of anthropometric, biochemical (laboratory), clinical and/or dietary data.

This one day workshop will consist of :

1. Dietary Assessment

2. Biochemical/biophysical methods

3. Clinical Methods

4. Anthropometry and Body Composition Assessement


5. Effective Communication Skill in Diet Management Workshop

Everyone, including physicians/doctors knows how to communicate. Communication skill is involving how we are applying a systematic cycle of sending message, receiving and interpreting it before we give a feedback. However, people only perceived communication is in practicing sending the message. And, when receiving a message the feedback-step is most often neglected. Actually, the feedback-step is the most critical part in which it closes the communication cycle and confirms understanding of the message.

Learn from the expert :

  1. Ability to successfully interact with a “difficult” patient

  2. Clearly presenting diagnosis and/or treatment options

  3. Enhancing patient’s compliance with medications or treatments

  4. Gaining a clear understanding of patient needs or medical issues

  5. Influencing a patient to adopt healthy living or lifestyle changes.


Want to have the course at your place?

"Don't hesitate to contact us for inquiry or just to say Hi".


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